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Deutsch-Israelische Gesellschaft

  • CPH Königstraße 64 90402 Nürnberg (Karte)

Ethics during War Time and Dilemmas of a Physician Serving in the War

Lecture and Discussion with Dr. Yossi Walfisch

A terrorist organization launches rockets from within a densely populated urban area, using civilians as human shields. The army responding must decide – do they risk civilian lives to neutralize the threat, or hold fire and risk their own citizens? This is the daily reality faced by the Israeli Defense Forces.

War has been a constant in human history, yet its effects ripple far beyond the battlefield. It challenges not only nations but individuals, testing the boundaries of ethics and humanity. How do individuals reconcile their personal morality with the demands of war?

Dr. Walfisch is director of a large rural health center that treats around 3,200 patients. In addition, Dr. Walfisch serves in the IDF as lead physician of a combat brigade, commanding a team of 50 doctors. In 2023 he was appointed chairman of the Ethical Board of the Israeli Medical Association.

For security reasons, registration is required using the form linked here: Registration for 15 January 2025

Registration deadline: 14 Januar 2025 (an earlier registration stop is made visible on the form)
In case of technical issues with the form, please write an e-mail to: nuernberg@digev.de

We kindly ask you to have a valid identification document ready upon entry.

Free entry!

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